
This was a self-funded movie that is still very much boring a hole in the filmmakers pocket. MANY thanks to our Kickstarter supporters (listed below) without whom we could not have finished this project. If you would like to donate to this movie, please click on “DONATE” below, or by purchasing the award-winning Documentary Rye Coalition The Story of the Hard Luck 5 (with an HOUR of bonus features ya’ll!) or the full 2-hour “reunion” show - Rye Coalition live & in-person celebrating 70 years of Jack Leto DVD! . Contact us if you need more info.


Many thanks to our Kickstarter “Hard Luck Five” backers:

Alisa Anderson
Anna Antic
Monica Arevelos
Anne Avouris
Andrew Bannon
Kevin Bannon
Paul Bayer
Will Brooks
Eddie Brower

Bryan Brown
Gabby Brown
Maxine Brulein
Tobias Carroll
Mark Castillo
Joe Castrianni
Billy Chase
Jen Cohn
Maria Colon
Michelle Craig
Joe Corbo
Peter D’Angelo
Bill and Evy Dana
Ray Dickman
Kristen DiMarco
Mike DiTullio
Jenny Durnins
Kevin Dwyer
Tom Farkas
Nick Ferrante
Paul Fig
Jason Finkelstein
Ronnie Fritz
Michael Fusco
Victor Gainor
Dave Galgano
Felicia Glover
Lori Gomez
Camille Gonnelli
Joe Gorelick
Adrian and Jill Graham
Stephen Green
Michael Grodner
Ryan Gross
Jamie Gaughran-Perez
Ellen Haines
Ben Hellman
Karen Herman
Kelly Hinkle
Michael Hollitscher
Keegan Hoppes
Tim Hourigan
Dan Izen
Kelly Johnston
Marty Key
Woju Kim
Amanda Kleinman
Jeff Krulik
Pam and Dave Leto
Bea Matz
Michael Matz
Debbie McMillan
Tracy Miller
Sabrina Mina
Nathan Miserocci
Dara Jade Moats
Alap Momin
Chris Morgan
Brian Musikoff
Alicia Nashel
Dianne Nashel
Marissa Nashel
Gregory Neate
Todd and Lisa Nelson
Cory Nowacky
Matt Orr
Henry Owings
Vince Parese
Scott Patterson
Joey Pinell
Rachael Pleet
Ashley Porter
Niels Post
Brian Quain
Matt Reynolds
Sarah Rodgers
Dan Rumain
Ray Salim
Korena Schlegel
Peter Selznick
Brian Shapiro
Margaret Shikibu
Caleb Shively
Bob Shriner
Justin Sirois
Paul and Peggy Solan
Janette Steele
Travis Stever
Matthew Stinchcomb
Jon Theodore
Len Thompson
Ryan Trimmer
Chris Turco
Melissa Villa
Eryn Walanka
James Wall
Melissa Warren
Jean-Claude Weitzman
Keith Werwa
Chris Westcott
Mande Whitaker
Chris White
Susan Willis
Brett Wood

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